One method to skyrocket your ROI in learning

Welcome to the future of learning, where innovation and artificial intelligence collide.

Join 100+ participants from these organizations

An AI-augmented learning experience designed to unlock new levels of effectiveness, productivity, and innovation.

The AI-augmented learning experience revolutionizes the way we learn and work. By integrating artificial intelligence into the learning process, it empowers learners to achieve new heights in three ways:


This learning experience takes you beyond merely understanding frameworks. You learn how to integrate these frameworks with AI, transforming AI into a strategic business tool.

This application empowers you to bridge the learning-performance gap, allowing you to apply your knowledge effectively and immediately in real-world situations.


By turning AI into a strategic business tool, you can streamline your tasks and processes, enabling you to accomplish more in less time.

This efficiency allows you to focus on higher-value activities, leading to increased productivity. Whether it's automating routine tasks or analyzing data quickly, the AI-augmented learning experience boosts your ability to achieve more with less.


Leveraging AI helps eliminate or minimize our own blind spots. It enables you to view problems and envisage solutions from multiple perspectives, fostering more innovative approaches.

By embracing AI's capability to provide diverse insights, you can develop strategies and solutions that truly set you apart, enhancing your competitive edge in any field.​

Categories of programs handpicked to leverage the AI-augmented learning experience.

and more to come…

Case Study 01: Effectiveness

Apply knowledge effectively and immediately in real-world situations.

Module 02: Mastering AI Prompts

01 Challenge

Content creators typically struggle to generate a sufficient number of ideas to keep their content calendars full. The conventional approach often yields only about 7 ideas a week.

02 Solution

The AI-augmented learning experience introduces a powerful tool: an AI-driven content idea matrix. This solution enables content creators to approach idea generation in a more effective way.

03 Impact

Using the matrix, our learners are able to generate 24 ideas effortlessly. Doing so three times a week enables them to generate an astounding 288 ideas in a month. This represents more than a 10-fold increase in output.

Case Study 02: Productivity

Boosting efficiency and elevate your team’s performance.

Module 01: Introduction

01 Challenge

Sales teams typically spend an average of 2 hours drafting proposals for clients. This lengthy process can limit their efficiency and reduce the time available for other high-value activities.

02 Solution

The AI-augmented learning experience introduces teams to an AI tool for creating first drafts. This tool enable learners to create an initial draft proposal in just 1 minute and 30 seconds.

03 Impact

This led to a remarkable 98.75% reduction in the time spent on tasks like drafting proposals. This not only boosts productivity but also frees up teams to focus on more strategic tasks and higher value-added activities.

Case Study 03: Innovativeness

Broaden perspectives for more effective strategy formulation.

Module 03: Training Your AI​

01 Challenge

Organizations often face challenges in strategy formulation due to limited perspectives. Seeing issues and solutions from only one angle can lead to suboptimal strategies that fail to address the full scope of a problem.

02 Solution

The AI-augmented learning experience enables learners to utilize strategy frameworks to create scenarios from diverse perspectives. This approach overcomes the limitations of individual experience.

03 Impact

By embracing multiple perspectives in strategy formulation, a learner was able to craft content that resonated better with their TikTok audience. Engagement levels rose to almost 3%, marking a 200% increase.

How does the AI-augmented learning experience work?

No conventional constraints. We focus on AI augmenting your capabilities to supercharge your potential.

No struggling with prompts

Learners master the art of crafting prompts in applying frameworks to AI for the most relevant and useful results.

No productivity limits

By leveraging AI, learners break through traditional productivity barriers, achieving tasks in a fraction of the time.

No limited perspective

AI empowers learners to analyze issues from multiple angles simultaneously, leading to more comprehensive and innovative solutions.

Learn a framework

Master a framework to either solve a problem (e.g., conflict management) or achieve a goal (e.g., crafting digital stories).

Apply the framework to AI

Next, we take it up a notch. You learn how to leverage AI to apply the framework in real-world scenarios.

Integrate the framework + AI into workflow

Implement the combined framework and AI process in your workflow to boost output, enhance productivity, and formulate better strategies.

How does it benefit you?

Our approach isn’t just grounded in research; it’s proven in practice. Participants consistently shared how the AI-augmented learning experience truly enhances their skills and performance.

My key takeaway is that AI is the future and will play a significant role in my work. I'm convinced that whoever master this tool will remain relevant!

KW Lee
Ministry of Manpower

I learned about the capabilities of applying frameworks to ChatGPT, making it an advanced tool. It's amazing!

How Meng
Ministry of Home Affairs

My key takeaways include how to integrate these concepts along with the functions of ChatGPT into my work, like in digital storytelling.

Ministry of Health

I learned how to use frameworks with ChatGPT for brainstorming, refining ideas, generating content matrices, and understanding the core elements of storytelling.

Douglas W
Monetary Authority of Singapore

I discovered the usefulness of ChatGPT in simplifying work, the importance of precise instructions to reduce errors.

Infocomm Media Development Agency

I learned about how to use ChatGPT to understand audience behavior in my work. Also the potential of ChatGPT as a nearly free tool!

Defence Science and Technology Agency

I discovered the power of applying the concepts in the security industry to ChatGPT and how it can enhance the way we work.

Hock Guan
Apro Asian Protection Pte Ltd

Meet your facilitators

Led by Melvyn Tan, our team re-designs our programs from the ground up to deliver our unique AI-augmented learning experience.

Effective learning

Our facilitators guide you in applying AI immediately to your work, bridging the gap between learning and performance.

Productive boosts

Learn from our experts who show you how to use AI to streamline tasks, boosting your productivity, and enabling you to accomplish more in less time.

Innovative insights

Our team helps you leverage AI to view problems from multiple angles, fostering innovative solutions and a comprehensive understanding of challenges.

Measurable impact

With our facilitators' support, you'll experience a learning journey designed to deliver measurable improvements in your skills and performance, ensuring a tangible impact on your work.

What if you're new to AI?

No problem. Every single program is designed with an AI mastery component. This is meant to provide learners with a solid understanding of how to use AI effectively so they’re able to make full use of applying frameworks to AI.

I knew about AI, but now I understand how to actually use ChatGPT. This feels like a superpower.
Tan P.Y.
Singapore Technologies Telemedia
I learned to use ChatGPT to refine my writing, and to improve efficiency, both for work and personal.
Foo J.P.
Ministry of Home Affairs
I learned about RCAI framework and how it can help me in writing effective prompts.
Cindy C.
Singapore University of Technology and Design
I learned about creating effective prompts and creating PowerPoint slides with ChatGPT.
Jing Ying
Institute of Technical Education

Still got questions?

We’ve got answers.

AI-augmented learning is an innovative approach that integrates artificial intelligence into the learning process, enhancing the effectiveness, productivity, and innovation of learners by providing real-time insights, personalized learning paths, and practical applications.

Unlike traditional learning, which often relies on static content and one-size-fits-all approaches, AI-augmented learning adapts to individual learner needs, provides immediate feedback, and enables learners to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios right away.

AI-augmented learning matters because it addresses the limitations of traditional learning methods by making learning more dynamic, personalized, and relevant to today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. It prepares learners to effectively use AI as a strategic tool in their work.

Programs in AI-augmented learning cover various areas, such as AI-augmented communication, marketing mastery with AI, leadership and strategy with AI insights, customer experience design using AI, and creativity and innovation through AI-enhanced problem-solving.

AI-augmented learning is beneficial for professionals across industries looking to enhance their skills, productivity, and innovation. It’s especially valuable for those seeking to leverage AI in their work to stay competitive and achieve better results.

To get started, you can enroll in a program that aligns with your goals and begin applying AI tools to real-world scenarios with the guidance of expert facilitators.

Yes, the AI-augmented learning experience can be customized to meet the specific needs and goals of your organization, ensuring that your team gains the most relevant and impactful skills to drive success in your industry.

The effectiveness of AI-augmented learning is measured through real-world application and feedback from participants. You’ll experience tangible improvements in your skills and performance, and your success in applying AI strategically in your work will be a testament to its impact.

If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected] or call us at +65 639-200-32. We’re here to help you navigate your AI-augmented learning journey.

At Befinity, we help companies use AI strategically in their business. Start by empowering your teams, implementing AI into their workflow, and augmenting their capabilities with custom AI solutions.


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#07-54 Paya Lebar Square
Singapore 409051